Should I Use Online Legal Forms to Start a Michigan Business?
Starting a business is generally not a venture entered into lightly. In fact, most new business owners have likely put everything they've got into their venture – both financially and emotionally. At Hickey, Cianciolo, Finn & Atkins, PC, we understand what's at stake for new business owners and their desire to keep costs at a minimum. However, when it comes to protecting your business, your assets and your financial investment, using online legal forms to start a Michigan-based business is simply not the place to cut those costs.
One Size Does Not Fit All
It's unlikely that you've got a cookie-cutter business plan. Yet, online business and legal forms are cookie-cutter in nature, don't address the specifics of your business and fall into the category of “one size does not fit all.” The reality is that most new businesses require the creation of numerous legal documents which must be tailored to your business plan to make sure that you, and your business, are legally protected in any and all situations. Some of those documents include:
- contracts
- distributorship agreements
- intra-company disputes
- invoices
- letters of intent
- licensing agreements
- non-compete agreements
- non-disclosure agreements
- non-solicitation agreements
- privacy policies
- purchase orders
- sales agreements
- sales representative agreements
- terms of use policies
- written offers
In addition to the forms needed to start a business, it's important to create legal documents that address what happens if and when the business should end such as a dissolution, break-up or withdrawal. Here's the bottom line: when you're not legally protected, you're not financially protected. Sadly, many new business owners have found themselves in court after relying on cookie-cutter forms they thought were “good enough” to protect their interests – yet were anything but.
A Michigan Business Law Attorney Can Help To Protect Your Financial Investment
Any type of policy, agreement or license needs to be customized to fit your business plan. Online forms simply cannot accomplish that goal. For most businesses, even the smallest error or discrepancy can result in substantial consequences – many of which cannot be fixed until it's too late.
The business law attorneys at Troy, Michigan-based Hickey, Cianciolo, Finn & Atkins, PC know that new business owners want, and need, to save money. However, saving a little bit of money up front and risking detrimental consequences later is never wise. Let us tailor your business documents and protect your assets. We provide reasonably priced, responsive and effective business law advice and support to small and mid-sized businesses from creation through dissolution by:
- listening to your business plan,
- understanding your relationships with customers, vendors, employees and sales representatives, and
- protecting you and your business in each of these relationships.
For over 30 years, we have proudly represented clients in Troy, Oakland County, metropolitan Detroit and throughout Michigan. We welcome you to contact the Law Office of Hickey, Cianciolo, Finn & Atkins, PC by calling 248-247-3300 or by using our online form.